Community Health

Friends 2 Brothers Foundation supports locally led initiatives that build robust community health, knowledge and capacity, to improve access and quality of life in rural and peri urban Uganda. Our medical services have already benefited the community significantly. These programs increases their reach, improve their ability to provide much needed medical care and health information to vulnerable People. 

Healthy People Make Vibrant Communities

Access to quality and affordable healthcare is a basic human right, and we are working hard to make that a reality for rural Ugandans. Currently, a severe shortage of medical professionals leaves the doctor-population ratio at 1:3803 (almost 4x below the WHO's standard of 1:1000). What's more, 71% of Ugandans live in rural areas, often far distances from city hospitals, where most doctors are located.

Using a hub and spoke model, we work to connect comprehensive, well-resourced hospitals and the less-resourced facilities in surrounding remote areas. By utilizing telehealth referrals, we bring specialist care directly to patients in remote areas. Our group purchasing of pharmaceuticals ensures that even the most distant facilities have access to essential medicines. Additionally, we address transportation challenges through the innovative efforts of the Boda Bodas (Motorcycle Public Transport), who ensure timely delivery of healthcare services and supplies.

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